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This easy-to-grow perennial is prized for it's attractive foliage and it's bubblegum pink flowers that bloom for many weeks. Amber yellow spring foliage has deep rose centers and mellow to chartreuse green with a silver overlay. Foliage interest. Winter interest. Blooms early spring and late summer.
Uses: containers, landscape, border plant, edging plant Part shade to shade Plant in average soil moisture Height: 8" - 10" Plant: 16" - 20" apart Habit: mounded Growability: easy
Uses Notes: Great in landscapes or containers
Maintenance notes: H. villosa hybrid; naturally heat and humidity tolerant. Performs best in part shade but grows in sun or shade. Plant in humus-rich, well-drained soil.
Fun and GamesĀ® 'Eye Spy' Heucherella hybrid USPPAF, Can PBRAF