Abundant vibrant flowers attract butterflies to a wide range of landscape settings. Beautiful in perennial, wildflower, cutting or mixed gardens, in formal or informal designs. Will tolerate periods of drought. 1998 Perennial Plant of the Year. Blooms midsummer to early fall.
Echinacea ( Coneflower ) have always been a mainstay in the sunny perennial garden. Their popularity has skyrocketed in recent years due to intensive breeding programs that have produced fatastic new colors and introduced double and semi-double forms. They are easy to grow and tolerate of a wide range of conditions, including being drought and heat tolerant. Plant in full sun in average soil. Attractive cone heads add winter interest and are good for dried arrangements.
Uses: borders, garden beds, cut flowers Sun Prefers well drained soil Height: 36" tall Plant 24" apart Growability: easy