Alternative Views:
Cherry Hot - Green cherry-shaped peppers turn red when mature. Heavy cropper. Maturity 80 days. Ghost - Alleged to be among world's hottest! Use with caution. Clusters of 2 - 3" orange-red fruit. Maturity 85 - 100 days. Habanero - Blazing hot, wrinkled green fruit ripen to yellowish-orange. Maturity 95 days. Hot Banana - Long, tapered fruit is commonly yellow but sometimes red. Use fresh, canned or pickling. Maturity 65 - 75 days. Jalapeno - Tapered, deep green chili pepper matures to red. Maturity 65 - 75 days. Medium Hot Block - An excellent choice for salads, stews, casseroles. Maturity 65 - 75 days Poblano - Long, flat chilies are dark green, ripening to reddish brown. Maturity 55 - 60 days. Red Chili - Very hot flavor good for drying and sauces. Pick green or red. Maturity 80 - 85 days. Serrano - Slim fruits are green to red. Use for pickling, sauce. Maturity 75 - 80 days. Sweet Heat - Sweet, mildly spicy. Use for grilling or salsa. Red or green. Maturity 56 days. Tabasco - Small, pungent hot pepper. Green turning yellow. Maturity 80 days. Thai Hot - Hot red peppers are great in Asian cuisine. Maturity 50 - 70 days.
Uses: eaten raw or cooked Full sun Plant in well drained soil Plant 18" - 24" apart Rows 24" - 36" apart Growability: easy