Compact plants with 6 - 8" spires of yellow flowers.
- · Yellow flowers
- · Blooms early summer
- · Dense pea-shaped flowers
Xerces Society - special value to native bees. The colourful spikes of Lupines are an unforgettable sight in the early summer border. Plants grow best in a deep, rich soil, slightly on the acidic side. This compact selection features tall spires of rich-yellow flowers in late spring through early summer. The ‘Gallery Series’ hybrids were developed from the species Lupinus polyphyllus, a North American native hailing from the Pacific Northwest. As these are biennial or short-lived perennials, allow some plants to set seed for future generations, or trim back hard after flowering is over. Flower spikes are great for cutting. CAUTION: Harmful if eaten.
Blooms early to mid summer
Winter hardy, deer resistant, cut flower, reblooming
Homeowner Planting and Maintenance Tips:
Easy to grow in well-drained soil. Prefers full sun to partial shade.
Uses: border, cut flower, massed plantings Full sun to partial shade Height: 20" - 24" Spacing: 12" - 18" Growability: easy